By Albert Makendenge
Agriculture is arguably one of the most risky and uncertain ventures on the planet given its broad nature and its dependence on a wide variety of factors, most importantly environmental ones. Whilst one may not be very clear about when and which risks will appear, it is almost certain that they will happen at any given point in time.
Naturally, human beings are more comfortable doing the things that they have spent years enjoying and mastering. This gets to a point where it seems like there is no other better way to live or do things. Leaving the old way for the new could sometimes be a very painful and frightening process. What has long been a part of someone is always difficult to give up and the thought of moving into the unknown breeds fear. But fearing change as we may and whether we may like it or not, it is always going to come our way, one way or the other. Rather than having it thrust upon us, change is best dealt by easing into it and taking it step by step.
In agricultural circles the first thing that comes to mind when people hear about change is the climate. Variations in the climate are currently calling for changes in the way farm and rear our crops and animals, changes which if not adopted could have dire food insecurity consequences. Movements in support of sustainable agricultural practices such as organic farming and conservation agriculture are forming across the globe as part of changes that are needed to reshape our present and future predicament.
For our sake and for the sake of the future generations, fully embracing change is the best way to go. In any case it is already in our midst or already on its merry way.