Pinkeye (tsanga) in cattle is a contagious bacterial infection of the eye. A small ulcer develops in the centre of the eye that appears as a small white spot. This results in a slightly cloudy grey appearance. If no is done treatment it will result in permanent blindness.
The bacteria are found on the eyes and in the nasal cavities of infected cattle. Transmission occurs through contact with eye discharge from the affected cattle. This may be direct contact, through face flies, or contact of the cattle during feeding or any contact form. Face flies are the primary vector responsible for transmission, as they travel from animal to animal. They feed on the watery tear from cattle’s eyes and in the process spread the bacteria that can cause pinkeye.
Since face flies are responsible for transmission, fly control program is important. Management practices that reduce the risk factors associated with pinkeye are the most effective tools in decreasing the incidence of the disease. A good nutrition program should be provided to the cattle which will decrease the incidence of pinkeye and also reducing irritation to the eyes of cattle. Avoid all objects that can also irritate the cattle eyes. Check metal feeders and other areas for sharp edges that can easily damage the cattle`s eye.
Early treatment of cattle with pinkeye is important, not only for successful outcome of the affected animal, but also to reduce the shedding of the bacteria which will decrease the risk of transmission to other cattle. Farmer must use penicillin LA 400 which is the long act that would be administered through Sub-conjunctival (inner surface of the eye) or Intramuscular. Eye powder can also be dusted in the eye for three days. A veterinarian or someone adequately trained should perform this procedure.
Be sure to get your livestock treated if you notice pink eye. Also be sure to apply our prevention methods to disrupt it’s spread.