By Ruvimbo Jeche
It’s summer time and when I think of something colorful on my table, pawpaws come to mind first. I am so obsessed with them and my siblings complains about their funny smell but who cares? It the their nutritional richness and tastiness for me.
The pawpaw is the largest edible fruit that is also native to Africa. There are 27 varieties of pawpaw and the best way to enjoy pawpaws is to eat them raw, outdoors, picked from the tree when they are perfectly ripe I mean just the natural way.
The unique flavor of the fruit resembles a blend of various tropical flavors, including banana, pineapple, and mango. Pawpaws are very nutritious fruits. They are high in vitamin C, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese. They are a good source of potassium and several essential amino acids, and they also contain significant amounts of riboflavin, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. Pawpaws contain these nutrients in amounts that are generally about the same as or greater than those found in bananas, apples, or oranges.