How to Make Artificial Colostrum

By Lynette Simango

You wake up to the news that your doe is in the process of giving birth. You rush to the scene and within minutes of your arrival, the kid-twins arrive. You are so excited about the new addition but then as you try to help them access colostrum, you realize the teats are dry, no milk is coming out. You are devastated but what should you do. Are you going to let those little ones die? Time is ticking and you know they should get colostrum within the first few hours or you risk losing them.

Ever heard about how you can make artificial colostrum? Once attended a lecture where this was shared. Tell us what you think in the comments. If you have once tried it out, kindly share with us in the comments section below

An egg, half a litre of fresh warm water, half liter whole milk, one teaspoonful of castor oil. Then you mix it thoroughly before you give it to the newborns.

#vaMudhumeni #Helpingfamersgrow #Artificialcolostrumsaveslives

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