Red is the color and sweet is the taste making strawberries one of the most sought after fruits but rarely will one see the plant in and around residential areas. That, however, can be changed through following a set of steps of how it can be grown as explained below.
Soil requirements
For the best growth and production, land should be prepared well by making or uplifting the beds. Deep, sandy loam soils rich in organic matter are the best.
Climatic requirements
Strawberries are grown from splits and are suitable for temperatures between 10 and 30oC meaning that they can grow in every part of the country. Keep from areas that remain wet late into spring and plant in a site that receives full sunlight and has a gradual slope.
Set the plants about 50cm apart in each direction. The crown of the plant, where the leaves emerge, should sit at soil level both for the potted ones and the ones that are grown in beds.
The best fertilizer is Strawberry 8-12-32 plus Micro Nutrients for an adequate supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micro-nutrients. Organic manure that supplies all these nutrients can also be very effective.
Regular watering is required and dry spells should be avoided as the crop is very sensitive to moisture stress.
Pests, weeds and diseases
Fungal diseases and ants pose the biggest threat to strawberry farming and therefore farmers should keep an eye out for these. Weeds should also be kept in check.
After about 75 days harvesting starts and the plant fruits continuously for three years. Throughout this production period, plants should be well fed to maintain high quality yields.
By Albert Makendenge