Cucumber productiom

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  • #1496
    Nathan gomori

    Number one


    •Short cultivars: Cherkee, Victory, Ashely and Fletcher
    •Long Cultivars:* Colorado, Marketer Long and StonoNumber two

    •Well drained soils and very sensitive to water-logging.
    •Optimum pH 5.5-6.5
    *Number three*

    •Grow best in between August and April on the Highveld.
    •They require 4-6 months of warm weather
    •Winter production only possible in open field in the Low-veld.

    Number four

    Seed rate
    •2.5-3.0 kg/ha

    Number five

    Spacing and Planting
    •1.20 m between the rows and 30 cm within the row.
    •Plant on raised beds 0.3 m high and 1.20 m wide, with 0,5m furrow in between.
    •Plant 2 cm, direct seeding is best.
    •Best grown in August after frost in the Highveld.
    •Best produced in winter in the lowveld.
    •Growth period 4 months from planting.

    Number six

    Fertilizer Requirements
    •Basal application: 400-600 kg/ha of Compound D
    •Top dressing: 100 kg/ha of AN. Apply twice after the first fruit set

    Number seven

    Disease Symptom Control
    Fusarium wilt

    Leaves wilt and develop necrosis on older leaves Dust seed with thiram
    Use resistant varieties.

    Anthracnose Black spots

    leaves, stalks and stems. Sunken lesions on the fruits. Spores visible on mycelium.

    Apply Dithane M 45 at 20g/10L water.

    Powdery mildew
    Clear light green spots visible on the upper surface of the leaves that turn to white powdery spots on the leaves with brown colouring on the leaves edge.
    Bavistin at 5g/10l of water once a week.

    Downey mildew
    Circular brown spots on leaves with yellowish halo, in advanced stage attack looks like frost damage.

    Ridomil MZ 72WP at 25g/10L water once a week., Copperoxychloride 85% WP at 40g/10L water once a week.

    *Cucumber mosaic virus*
    Chlorotic mottling streaking pattern of yellow and green areas occurring on young leaves developing into malformations and stunting.

    Plants become bushy. Fruits develop yellowish mottles at stem end covering whole fruit.

    Bitter taste of affected fruit. Rogue out and destroy infected plants.

    Number eight


    Root-knot nematode

    Swollen roots and stunted growth.

    Observe a 4 year rotation.

    Avoid Solanaceous crops like tomatoes and potatoes.

    Spray with dimethoate 40EC at 7.5ml/10L water.

    Red spider mite

    Leaves loose colour, curl and dry. Spray Nuvacron 40 at 50ml/10L water when observed on the plant.

    Number nine

    •Harvested before they are physiologically fully mature
    •Picking usually begins about 2 months after sowing and thereafter every few days.

    •10-15 tons/ha

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