All athletes or sprinters are very well aware of the fact that one of the key things to winning or at least running a good race has a lot to do with how well one gets out of the blocks. A strong and early start will almost always set one up for a strong finish. It is the early bird that bird that catches the worm and setting the pace earlier on will make the rest of the task lighter and easier.
Many successful farmers have common tales of endless late nights and draining early mornings. Early mornings which begin way before the light of day. There is only a few hours that come with daylight and the pressures of farm activities demand that farmers have a good head start. Activities are always coming in thick and fast and thus leaving little or no time to keep up the pace. Even with early starts some issues may still spills over into the next day unresolved but at the end of the day it is all about running a good race. Farmers should make it a habit to get over or two hurdles before the sun sets. Basking in the light of already accomplished activities comes with a great sense of achievement and motivates one to do even more.
It is these little daily early starts that will turn into big sighs of relief as the race draws to a close, as the season comes to an end. With a good early start, the ultimate prize is almost always assured.