Digitalizing Agriculture

If COVID-19 taught us anything, it’s the importance of digital technology in economies. Even though the world was in the middle of a deadly pandemic, people still managed to get work done, stores delivered food on doorsteps, students attended classes online and business meetings and deals were done all online! In Zimbabwe’s agricultural world, farmers who thought fast enough managed to utilize the digital space to advertise and make their produce easily accessible to consumers. Others jumped onto the wagon a little too late to make significant profits out of their produce. Well, we live and we learn

Now that you have witnessed the possibilities the digital space poses, what techniques have you employed to get people interested in your product online? As of January 2021, Zimbabwe had 1.3 million social media users. Are they aware you grow and sell cabbages and covo for sell? Are those 23.5 whatsapp groups you are in helping your business grow in any way? What we are trying to say is you can grow your business using your smart phone and data. Instead of liking other people’s pictures on social media all day, how about you spend some of that time learning how to take pictures of your produce in a way that entices customers? Advertise your produce in those whatsapp groups. The good thing about using the digital space is you can reach a wider customer base and increase chances of tapping into the export market. You just have to think MONEY! digitalizingagriculture #thinkmoney #vaMudhumeni #helpingfarmersgrowmore #agricultureinthepandemic #agricultureonline

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