By Albert Makendenge
In light of the previous agricultural season eventually turned out, most farmers are probably sapped of all energy and motivation. Memories of wilting/dried crops are still very fresh in their minds and the thought of going again almost sends a shiver down their spine. It perhaps will take the courage and experience of seasoned farmers to go again knowing very well that all could be lost and end up with very little.
The past few weeks have been a nightmare for any farmer with cold, windy and sometimes rainy spells descending heavily and ruthlessly on most parts of the country. It is always more fun and exciting when the sun is out and about but its precious light and heat has been a very rare commodity of late. And one cannot talk of rare things without mentioning stability in the economy with highly volatile exchange rates causing endless headaches for the farmers. Shaking off the hits and blows of last earlier on will help set farmers up nicely up for a more positive outlook on the upcoming season. The main aim should be to get back to the drawing board, find out what went wrong or right and get ploughing again, tilling again, getting inputs in time, putting all the resources in place and getting ready to go again as soon as the first effective drops of rain fall from the sky.
Successful farmers, who have been around long enough, will know not to go into hiding but getting busy going by the book and rolling out winter land preparation plans, if not in the midst of tending to winter crops depending on what is on their cropping programme. The upcoming season should be seen, not as just another trap but a chance to recover and get back on track.