By Albert Makendenge
It does not always take acres and acres of space to make it in the business of agriculture. Good and well-performing farming endeavors can thrive in little pockets of spaces and opportunities that people find in and around their homestead, even in and around their marketplaces. Market vending, herb growing, nursery operation, sustainable farm consulting, and tree seed supply are some of the profitable agribusiness ideas that interested individuals can take up to earn a living.
Vending is clearly and obviously a very common activity in Zimbabwe with multitudes of buyers and sellers, a very familiar sight in both rural and urban environments. Vendors play an important and sometimes very crucial role in bridging the gap between producers (farms) and consumers (market). They are able to turn this into a business by acquiring commodities at cheaper farm gate prices and then selling them at a profit. At vaMudhumeni we have marketplaces not only on our website to help vendors and farmers alike to reach a wider audience. We also have a buy and sell group on Facebook . As well as WhatsApp groups dedicated to the buying and trading of goods.
Because of their great nutritional and health benefits, herbs like basil, thyme, coriander, and parsley can make for great agricultural products which can be grown and sold easily. The herb business can be one of the easiest and fastest way to a profit to a profit with little hard work, tender care, and some smart decisions. At vaMudhumeni we have step by step production guides via our blog to help you get started.
Even as some people are on the move to or already living in residential areas with limited or no space for farming activities. Another way they can make money is by creating a plant nursery business. Opportunities in this business run far and wide especially with the rising demand for flowering plants. You do not require a lot of space when creating nursery plants.
Tree seed supply is also another agribusiness idea that one can take up with reasonable financial gains. Regardless of not having a farm or a plantation, one can always make the effort and take the time, which others do not have, to go into the forests and harvest seeds for sale.
Last but not least on this least of agribusiness ideas to make money without a farm is simply providing knowledge to those who are in need of it, at a cost of course. Offering one’s expertise and experience to farmers especially around trending and sustainable agricultural methods such as conservation agriculture (pfumvudza) or organic farming can open up income avenues for someone without their own farming land.
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