by Albert Makendenge
A better sense of timing is essential, in addition to understanding the technicalities of farming to achieve success. It is the timing of each step that can make all the difference between a good yield and a mediocre one.
The aspect of timing applies to all the activities before, during and after the all the necessary growth and development stages of plants and animals. When it comes to crops it is from land preparation; planting; watering; fertilizing; weed, pest and disease control through to harvesting and marketing. And animals from birth, rearing through to the mature and slaughtering stage. Each of these has got be perfectly timed to fully make use of existing internal and external conditions (environmental, climatic, economic and political) to achieve the best results.
Examples of aspects that have to with timing include timing of the first nitrogen application in cereal production for instance, correct timing of planting dates when temperature and rainfall patterns are most favorable, application of agro-chemicals just as and when they are needed, timely and consistent feeding arrangements for livestock, correct timing on watering and irrigation plans as well harvesting times that sync with high demand of on the market. The concept of timing all comes down to its effects on potential yield and the ability to respond market demand and supply dynamics. An operation or activity done a day too early or too late may end up costing the farmer a significant amount of yield and income.
Perfect time management is therefore very important in agriculture to avoid missing crucial production and marketing deadlines. Procrastination should be avoided at all times since it is not only the thief of time, but a thief of profits as well.