by Samantha Salimu

The cost of one Boer buck is US$400 on average, while one Boer doe is around US$350. Export price for goat meat is US$9/10 per kilogram. Local Price ranges from US$4.50 to US$5
You are probably wondering, “Why Boer goats?,” Here is why:
- Boer goats are hardy animals so they can adapt to many different kind of environments.
- They are fast growing
- Boer goats have multiple births, I.e twins and triplets. It a norm not an exception
- They are tame, gentle animals
- They are good breeders. Under good conditions, Boer doe can kid 3 times in 2 years.
- Boer goats produce more muscling in less time compared to other goat breeds.
- They are good milkers.
- Female kids can reach puberty at 6 months, and the male kids can be used for breeding at 5-6 months of birth.
Things You Need to Consider To Commence Your Boer Goat Farm
- Breeding Stock
- These are the bucks (male goats), and does (female goats)
- It is wise to purchase your stock from farmers with a good reputation. We advise you ask around and do your own research on the farmers selling Boer goats before you purchase
- ALWAYS request to see the records of parents of the breeding stock you are purchasing.
- The buck should be masculine, with the head medium in length
- The buck must also have a broad muzzle with large open nostrils.
- His eyes should be bright
- Location
Make sure your goat farm is proximal to the following essential facilities:
- Great source of clean, fresh water. You can set up a water reservoir such as a pond or a well
- It is always best for the farm to be near villages, this ensures close labour force and sometimes markets
- A farm connected to the market with a good transport system is highly recommended
- The location must be pollution free and away from chaos
- Goats are grazers, so when choosing a location make sure you can make a good pasture out of it
- Housing and Equipment
- An average of 2 square meters are recommended per goat. Therefore, if you are planning on starting with say 5 goats, your pen would have to be at least 10 square meters
- Small spaces makes them anxious, stressed and unhappy. This is not a good recipe for their growth!
- It is a good idea to build the pens using treated timber/wood that also will be protected against water damage
- Housing should be built on a higher place
- Always make sure goat pens are separated according to bucks, does, breeding, kids, weak/ill, teenagers
- Housing should have dry floors and good ventilation. You can make use of big windows, and where possible install electric fans
- Prevent moisture gathering in the house, this is a huge factor in causing diseases
- Make sure the housing has a suitable drainage system
- It should protect the goats from sun and rain. Goats are scared of the rain!
- Wood or clay bricks or concrete blocks can be used to construct goat pens
- Fencing
- Fencing helps keep your farm safe from both thieves and dangerous animals like dogs, lions, hyenas etc
- It also helps keep your the farm lands green by keeping off neighbouring cattle, sheep and goats from grazing
- Feed & Pasture
- Pasture and browse usually the primary and most economical source of nutrients for meat goats.
- Goats are browsers, not grazers, although they will eat grass. Thus, an areawith low bushes for a goat farming venture
- Supplement feed is very necessary for commercial goat production
- Supplementary Feed
- Pre-Breeding Season
- About 4 weeks before breeding season you should flush feed does and bucks, use around 400g/day concentrate feed for an adult, non-pregnant goat. A mix of 2-3 different types of concentrate will ensure a balance of energy and protein.
- Add a spoon of salt and mineral-and-vitamin mix to ensure vitamin and mineral requirements are met.
- Throughout the active months, the buck would a protein mix with 14-16% of the meal of good quality hay. An effective program initiates the supplement meal between 2-6 weeks before breeding season
- Breeding Season
- Quality meals essential to maintain body weight of the Boer buck
- Good meal contains quality hay and concentrate of 14-16% protein with added minerals and vitamins
- Grain mixture must contain vitamin A and D
- Loose mineral salt must be added to add libitum, plus plenty of water
- A buck can serve a doe up to 20 times a day within the mating season
- Breed does when they are about 65% of the average weight of Boer does.
- Breeding does when they are lighter than 40kg stunts their growth and poses birth complications such as dystocia (kids getting stuck during birth)
- Post-Breeding Season
- Feeding is reduced. Quality hay is sufficient without additional supplements here
- Wean male kids at 3 months, and female kids at 3-4 months to ensure doe regains condition in preparation for next cycle
- Colostrum
- The initial 3 days of the new born are the most critical
- If the kid separated from the mother, it is important to provide colostrum from the doe or another nursing doe
- 2 to 3 pints of colostrum in 2 or 3 daily feedings should be conducted
- Kid Starter
- Nursing should be as long as possible until weaning
- Milk replacer follows a strict feeding formula for 8-12 weks
- Kid is taken off milk replacer when solid feed intake reaches around 300g of grain mix daily. This feed contains 16% protein and 11% fiber of full meal composition.
- Grower Mix for Yearlings
- It starts with kid starter intake plus plenty of good quality forage and pasture
- Grain mix with macro and micro level contain minerals. Non-protein nitrogen and feed silage will not be good enough for their bodies at this stage
- At 6 months and into the age of breeding, yearlings requires grain mix containing 14% protein, Vitamins A, D and E, minerals and trace minerals
- Pregnant Does
- Does should maintain a good amount of body flesh but not fat, throughout the pregnancy
- Alfalfa forage not advisable for pregnant does because of the high calcium and phosphorous ration
- Gestation period usually lasts 148-152 days.
- Nursing Does
- Provide quality legume or grass hay, along with grain mix of vitamins, minerals and 16% protein
- Garden products and intake of root crops is also recommended
What NOT to feed Your Goats
- Paper
- Dog and Cat feed. Do not leave these in places where goats can reach them.
Other Feed Points to Note
- Make sure colostrum is ready for kids at birth, without delay
- To ensure optimum feed for all goats, take note of the feeding routine of each and every one of your goats.
- Always check weights of all the pigs, take note of whether each goat is either too thin or too fat
- An adult Boer buck weighs about 100-115kg, and the doe is usually about 90-100kg
- Make sure feeding troughs are always clean and moisture-free
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